Kunststoffen 2019: Frilvam confirms its presence
Kunststoffen 2019: Frilvam confirms its presence
At the NH Conference Centre Koningshof in Veldhoven, in Holland, the 21st edition of what is one of the main European trade fair events for the manufacturing, plastics and rubber industries will be held. An event that becomes the ideal meeting place to understand how the Benelux market is evolving and which channels to go through to achieve new commercial successes. Indeed, one of Frilvam’s objectives is to increase its business in this area.
The 2019 Kunststoffen will beheld from 25th to 26thSeptember, a short distance from Eindhoven. To reach the Fair, the best means of transport from Italy is definitely by plane, flying right over Eindhoven. To reach the NH Conference Centre Koningshof in Veldhoven from the airport you can take either bus lines 20 and 319 (the ticket costs 2.60 Euros and it takes you about 40 minutes) or a taxi. The latter solution costs more (around 30 euros), but the travelling time is much shorter (15 minutes). Eindhoven airport and fairgrounds are just five kilometres away.
» Plastic is too good to be thrown away and this is why We think recycling as much possible is the most logical solution. A joke, but not much of one. And our Dutch friends know this well. In fact, this edition of the fair aims to once again raise awareness about issues such as sustainability and savings; subjects that a company like Frilvam has always made its own. This is why, coming here to discuss these issues, entering into discussion with other international companies in the sector, is an opportunity that we do not want to miss. This year is the second time we have participated «
Frilvam staff
Kunststoffen 2019 is not only a Fair, but also an event with a series of useful lectures to better understand and reason about numerous themes. This year’s themes will focus on the circular economy, recycling, sustainability, intelligent raw materials, new materials, cost savings, innovative production methods and product development.
Eindhoven is the best city for overnight stays. In fact, the Fair is very close to this southern city in the Netherlands which in recent times is increasingly establishing itself as an innovation centre. A city that is expanding, but which is still on a human scale in which bicycles are the means of transport par excellence.